Over 20,000+ Prompting Jobs Since 1989!
Teleprompter Packages

Mirror Prompter

Available Add-Ons:
$750/Day Including Operator:
1 Experienced Operator with the following equipment:
1 Camera Mounted SDI lightweight prompter
Your choice of size (See photos and specs above)
1 Laptop with top-of-the-line software
2 Set Cables and Cases
Operator Cart
Additional Camera or Stand Mounted Teleprompter $150 a Day
19" 1500 NIT High Brightness Monitor Upgrade $100 a Day
12" 1200 NIT High Brightness Monitor Upgrade $100 a Day
7" 1800 NIT High Brightness Monitor Upgrade $100 a Day
Anton Bauer Battery Set for Powering 12" 17" and 19"
Teleprompters 2 140 Ah Batts $50 a Day
Location Battery Base (For all day power of teleprompter and computer) $100 a Day
Dual Presidential Teleprompter Set $100 a Day
Teradek Bolt 750 SDI Wireless Transmitter and Receiver Set for any Teleprompter $100 a Day
24", 32", 40", 55", 65" and 70" Teleprompters also in stock
10 Reasons to Use McNulty Nielsen
1. Streamlined System
Standard Package comes in 2 cases w/toolbox and small cart/workstation and sets up in about 20 minutes including cabling.
2. Bright LCD screens
Our 5", 7" 9",10", 15" and 19" LCD prompters are all over 400 NIT brightness ensuring great visibility for indoor shoots. For an extra $100 you can upgrade to a 1200 NIT teleprompter in 7", 12" and 17" sizes for working in direct sunlight.
3. Film matte boxes accommodated
Our 15" LCD models have a mirror opening of 10.5"x 13.5", so the camera team can keep their matte box and filters... most 15" lcd prompters have much smaller mirror openings too small for matte boxes.
4. Cable free systems
Our cable free systems include wireless transmitters for prompter feed, which can be coupled with our battery powered package if battery power is required. Rates listed above.
5. Full color systems
Although most systems are full color, ask if you can assign different colors for each talent-- MN systems can.
6. Oversize Mirrors for 7" Prompter on jib mounts
Mounting on jibs for through the lens prompting is tricky-- most prompters for jib work must be under-slung, affecting eyeline at close distances-McNulty Nielsen 9" through the lens models will be out of frame even at full wide on most lenses, and can be underslung or overslung if necessary.
7. Program switch for satellite interviews
Send us the picture feed from your satellite feed and give your talent our wireless remote, and talent can switch back and forth from prompter to picture.
8. Spanish speaking operators available
McNulty Nielsen provides experienced operators for both English and Spanish projects.
9. Battery power systems available
MCN prompting systems can be run all day on batteries (see option above).
10. Experience
Keith McNulty (co-owner) owned and operated McNulty's Computer Prompting from 1989-2001. Keith has serviced thousands of challenging prompter jobs and is familiar with dozens of camera/head arrangements, jib-arms, dollies, cranes etc. Properly matching the right prompter setup to your camera package can be a critical element in assuring a fast effective set-up, and all of our operators are personally trained by Keith.